• ECO Work-Shop CIC


ECO Work-Shop CIC is a not-for-profit, community interest company, set up in 2013.

Work-Shop came about when three mothers of adult children with learning disabilities, met for a coffee to discuss their frustrations and fears about the future which awaited their children. The parents were appalled to discover the lack of purpose awaiting their children and other disabled adults.

To prevent wasted lives, Work-Shop set out to improve the well-being and lives of learning disabled and/or autistic adults. We support and encourage those who attend to achieve so much more than they ever believed was possible! Learning diverse new skills through stimulating and varied work activities, participants become part of the adult workforce. Building on the skills gained from education, Work-Shop carefully extends each participant’s abilities by tailoring the activity to each person’s level, gently and steadily supporting the increase in skills required to complete each task.

By joining the conversation of work, our participants become included in the adult world, and the combination of personal success, regular social interaction and motivation creates fulfilment.

  • We Believe...

    Adults with learning disabilities and autism have a right to live purposeful, stimulating and active lives.

  • We Create...

    An inspiring work environment through a diverse range of activities promoting inclusivity in the workplace.

  • We Discover...

    Opportunities to take part in productive, quality work, through ambitious projects, providing personal growth and development.

  • Light Assembly, Manufacturing, Recycling, Gardening, Packaging & Delivering, Sewing, Work Experience Placements, Work & Life Skills

    Our Services

    Our sessions are designed with sensitivity to meet the individual needs of our participants. They are structured to develop achievable skills through a range of work-based tasks. High quality, cost effective work showcasing the abilities of our participants. To check out our current tasks, click on the button below.

    Work-Based Activities
  • Meet our Participants

    At ECO Work-Shop, we are incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to work alongside our brilliant participants. Click the button below to find out more about their individual stories.

    Participant Stories